DSCC project to generate energy from wastes

BSS, Dhaka :
Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) has undertaken a Taka 749-crore project to generate energy by burning wastes of the city.
The project has been adopted as per the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s directive over the management of city wastes, DSCC Assistant Engineer (waste) AHM Abdullah Harun told BSS.
Under the project, initiatives have been taken to build a big fireplace at the DSCC’s land at Matuail. The fireplace will have two separate sections to burn ordinary wastes and electronic wastes.
In the first phase, about 20 to 25 megawatts of electricity would be generated daily from the wastes in Dhaka South, which will subsequently increase to 40 to 50 megawatts. After burning electric wastes, coal-like substance will be made from the remains and that will used in coal-based power plants and big brick fields. Abdullah Harun said the electricity to be generated in the project will be given to Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) to use in Dhaka city.
DSCC officials said the city corporation wants to install plants in the fireplace that do not generate heat with 600 to 800 centigrade. This will have no possibility of environment pollution.
The project will run, to a large extent, in the format of a brickfield, the officials said, adding that there will be high chimney to emit smoke.
According to the current statistics, DSCC areas produce 3.5 thousand tonnes of waste daily, of which 1,900 tonnes are bumped at Matuail as land fill waste. But it would not be possible to dump any more waste in that area after one year. Moreover, of which 1,600 tonnes of waste remain littered in different areas in the city, polluting environment and silting up drains, canals and rivers.