Dry fish collection going on in full swing at Dublar Char

Bagerhat Correspondent :
Catching of fish and fish drying processing are going on in full swing at Dublar Char fisherman village and its adjacent chars (islands) in the Eastern Division of Sundarban attached to the Bay of Bengal.
 It was started from the third week of the month of October. But the last 2 weeks of October were spent for the construction of their temporary shelters and other preparations. So, virtually the catching of fish from the sea and collection of dry fish started from the first week of the month of November and it will continue till the month of February, 2017 at Dublar Char and its adjacent five chars .
 In the last year Sundarban forest department realized a sum of Tk.1 cr 70 lakh 8 hundred 85 as revenue from 9 thousand 8 hundred 38 fishermen during the last dry fish collection season. The forest department is expecting to earn more than Taka 2 crs in the current season from the fishermen.
This year the dry fish collection season is quite different from the past to the fishermen as more than 50 jungle pirates belonging to different gangs (of jungle pirates) like Master Bahini, Shanto Bahini, Alam Bahini, Ilyas Bahini, Bhai Bhai Bahini, Khoka Babu Bahini etc. already surrendered to RAB, Coastguards and other law enforcing agencies along with huge number of arms and ammunitions with the promise that they gave up the piracy and wanted to return to the normal life.
 As a result, both fishermen and dry fish traders breathed a shy of relief. In spite of that there are still a number of gangs of jungle pirates in the forest. They very often kidnap the fishermen in order to realize a huge amount of cash Taka from them (fishermen) as ransom for their (fishermen) release. But the jungle pirates are not in a very good position at present due to vigilance and repeated raids of the law enforcing agencies in the forest.