Drug trafficking must be sternly dealt with

YABA tablets popular as sedative drug among younger generation are flooding the country from Myanmar across Teknaf border. It is creating the biggest crisis increasing crimes and violence in the society. But law enforcers are failing to effectively stop it for reasons not clearly known to all. We know that drug syndicates are bringing the drug and marketing it throughout the country under the shelter of politically powerful people and using their local network. It is almost 100 crore taka business per month in some estimates destroying our younger people. It is now available at every street corners and public places.

The seizure of a consignment of 50 thousand Yaba by DB Police recently from the city’s Segunbagicha area showed the tablets were carried in a Pajero Jeep with flag stand. It means the vehicle belongs to a powerful person and since the owner of the vehicle comes from Teknaf, the suspect is almost clear whom he is. Although he was recently arrested and put on three years imprisonment by the court in a case by filed by Anti-Corruption Commission, his release by High Court on six months bail led many to believe the trafficking will continue without brake.

Yaba is coming into the country mainly from Myanmar where criminals are producing the tablets in factories in the border belt and pushing it into Bangladesh through several Teknaf points. Similarly drug syndicates are producing phensidyl in factories on Indian side of Bangladesh border and pushing it into the country.


It is a matter of growing concern that traffickers are making thousands of our youths addicts that includes not only poor unemployed people suffering from frustration but also college and university students. The list further includes growing number of professionals like filmmakers, vocalists, showbiz models and children of upper class families. They are increasingly becoming habituated to drugs and their growing demoralization is spreading social violence including suicide, rape, killing and such other street crimes. It is no more secret that drug has a critical role behind every crime.

We know that traffickers are taking advantage of the law and order situation when looting and corruption are rampant everywhere and police are busy helping the government against the opposition. We must say police must fight crime and destroying drug network is most important to save our younger generation. There can’t be any letdown. We have always said that the government must take the issue with Myanmar and India to stop it at source. But cleaning drug syndicates must also begin from home.

There is no denying of the fact that our dirty politics and criminals operating as politicians are the biggest challenge to destroy drug syndicates. But we can’t let them running the trade unimpeded.
