Drug side effects calculator

Life Desk :
A side effect is an unexpected symptom that occurs during treatment with a drug. Prescription drugs, Over-The-Counter (OTC) drugs or herbal supplements taken for either preventing or treating a condition may result in unwanted side effects that can be harmful to the body. These side effects can be mild, moderate or severe.
Complications from side effects may require immediate medical attention. Severe side effect of a drug can cause damage to vital organs, lead to birth defects and even result in death.
Some of the common drug side effects include skin rashes, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and drowsiness. Abnormal heart rhythms and certain behavioral changes involving mood disorders or suicidal thoughts are considered to be serious side effects which should not be ignored. Some medications may result in weight gain, and some may cause an inability to sleep.
This side effects finder of Medindia has been designed to list out all the side effects of a drug. It has been done to create awareness so that necessary precautions can be taken before consuming the drug.
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Always feel free to discuss with the doctor or the pharmacist about the side effects you experience. Look for patient information leaflet provided in the drug label and talk with your healthcare professional about the steps you need to take in reducing the risk of side effects.