Drug abuse and trade should be checked strictly


NEARLY seven million people of the country are drug addict who spend about Tk 900 million every day to buy drugs. The Department of Narcotics Control (DNC) has no accurate data about the number of addicts or how drugs are peddled place to place. In fact, the number of drug addicts is too large and most of the addicts are youth. While the country is trying to obtain middle income country status, the energetic brains are becoming morally disgraced, physically sick and financially weak. They are going to face an uncertain future due to the reluctance of the government agencies in controlling drugs.
The World Health Organization survey revealed that, in Dhaka city 79.4 percent of the drug addicts are male and 20.6 percent are female of 18 to 30 age limit. It was learnt that 64.8 percent of the drug users in the country are unmarried. Besides, 56.1 percent are either students or unemployed. The survey pointed that 95.4 percent drug addicts are smokers; 85.7 percent got into drugs under the influence of friends.
Police and other agencies said more than one lakh people are directly involved in illegal drug trade and supply where women and children are used as secured drug peddlers. Of the narcotics, Yaba is a “deadliest” drug, antihistamine syrup and phensidyl are the most popular for availability. Recently ‘Hookah’ or ‘Shisha Culture’ has become favorite among youths.
This is not a secret to the law enforcing agencies. Rather in some cases law enforcers are seen as beneficiary of the business. In Dhaka, several powerful persons linked with political parties are allegedly involved in the drug trade. Several hundred dens were established across the country for this purpose.
We think, it is very important to make the law enforcement agencies including the BGB accountable to stop drug consignments through the border. If we fail to control drugs peddling or import from the bordering countries, particularly the Yaba, it will destroy the young generation of the country.
