Drought may continue for a few more days

Heat wave affects agro products

Kamruzzaman Bablu :
The severe heat wave across the country may affect production of agricultural commodities, specially crops, seasonal fruits and fish farming. The drought may continue for few more days, worsening the situation.
Experts said, most of the farmers in the country having no scientific knowledge about modern cultivation depend on rain to a great extent for watering their plants. So, if some more days continue without rain,
overall productions may suffer. “We are advising farmers to use sufficient surface water for irrigating their crops and fruit trees,” said Chaitanya Kumar Das, Additional Director (Monitoring), Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE).
He told The New Nation on Wednesday that prolonged drought has been hampering cultivation. Decline in rainfall by 75 percent contributed to the drought-like situation in the country.
Chaitanya Kumar Das also said, ‘Boro paddy is being harvested excepting for some late varieties, but the Aus paddy farming will face the problem.’
The IRRI cultivation needs a huge quantity of water. If the drought continues, he said, production will suffer heavily.
Agriculture officials also said litchi fruit suffered terribly due to heat wave, while green mangoes are withering.
Quoting farmers, another Official of DAE said, many farmers are depending on underground water for irrigation due to the absence of normal rainfall. This adds to the cost of production excessively.
Fish experts and specialists said, the prevailing heat wave is posing a serious threat to fish species, particularly small ones, as most water-bodies are now drying up in different areas. Meteorological Officials said there was no normal rainfall in the month of April as heat wave swept the country during the period, causing a scarcity of surface water.
According to official statistics, the heat wave has been continuing for the last three weeks since April 6.
“A mild-to-moderate heat wave that has been sweeping over Rajshahi and Khulna divisions and the regions of Dhaka, Tangail, Faridpur, Dinajpur, Syedpur and Chandpur may continue for 2 to 3 more days,” said Sadequl Alam, Senior Meteorologist of Dhaka Met Office.
On Thursday, the highest temperature was recorded in Jessore. It was 49.6 degrees Celsius, while 37.6 degrees Celsius was recorded in Dhaka, he said.