Driver beaten dead after truck runs over goats in Rajshahi

Our Correspondent :
A truck driver, who was beaten in Basupara area of Rajshai’s Bagmara upazila on Friday night for running his truck on two goats, died at a hospital early Saturday.
The deceased has been identified as Abu Taleb, 33, resident Jhalmolia area of Puthia upazila.
Puthia police station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Rezaul Islam said two goats were crushed under a truck driven by Abu Taleb at Bhabaniganj Shibzait area, following which he tried to flee the scene.
But the goat owner along with locals riding on 10-15 motorcycles chased the truck for about 16 kilometres and managed to catch Taleb in Basupara of Puthia upazila.
Afterwards they beat Taleb mercilessly, leaving him critically injured.
“Police arrested five people in connection with the incident. We are trying to arrest Golam Mostofa, the owner of the goats who has been on the run since the incident,” OC Rezaul added.
