Drive to control pollution after Dec 20: Atiqul


Staff Reporter :
Dhaka North City Corporation Mayor Atiqul Islam has said that pollution control campaign in Dhaka will be intensified after December 20.
He said it in a roundtable discussion titled “Unplanned pollution in Dhaka: Citizens reflect” at the National Press Club on Tuesday organised by Dhaka Utility Reporters Association (DURA).
He said, “We have wanted more magistrates from government to conduct drives against those who put construction materials on roads.”
The Mayor said, “Although campaign against those who contribute to pollution in the country continues, it will be intensified after December 20 when we get additional magistrates.”
“If any contractor does not abide by rules, our magistrates will take action against him,” he said.
He also said, “Contractors as well as city corporations and other organisations, have to keep themselves environmentally compliant in Dhaka.”
He further said, citizens suffer from water-logging due to amassing plastic bottles in the drains, and this should not happen.
It is the responsibility of the people to ensure that plastic bottles are not thrown into the drains and on the streets, causing harm to the environment, Mayor added.
