Drive of Rly Police in Ctg, 416 held in 13 days

Chittagong Bureau :
Bangladesh Railway,East Zone authority in Chittagong launched raid against the illegal use of railway land and using rail track for gossiping and mobile phone talk .
 To avoid the incidents of killing by wheels of the train , the measures were taken by the rly authority. Railway Police in the meantime distributed leaflets,miking and holds discussion meeting about the ongoing railway police drive GRP sources said about 50 persons were died in last one year by wheels of train on the track.
.Officer Incharge of Chittagong Railway Thana SM Shahidul Islam told that the drivewas conducted as per directions of Police headquarters . He further apprised that inlast 13 days upto August 21 last, about 416 persons were detained by GRP in chittagong for violating the railway act .
These persons were alleged with the riding on roof of train, journey without ticket, and free movement inside the flatform area without ticket , sitting and gossiping on railway track . Out of the totoal detained 64 accused sent to court for actions at their end and others were fined monetarily .