Drive against anarchists after Ijtema: Tofail


UNB, Dhaka :Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed on Sunday said the terrorist activities and sniper attacks being carried out by BNP and its allies in the name of blockade will be dealt with an iron hand indicating that the government will go for a stronger countrywide drive after Biswa Ijtema.”These (sniper attacks and killings) won’t yield any benefit. The government will tackle such secret killings and terrorist acts with an iron hand after Biswa Ijtema,” he told reporters at the Secretariat. Referring to fraudulent statement and so-called phone-call issues, the Commerce Minister said the people of the country are very much conscious these days, and spreading misinformation will not bring any good.On the alleged confinement of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia, Tofail said she has been staying there on her own. “She can go back home if she wants to.”The Commerce Minister alleged that Khaleda adopted the self-confinement policy to create anarchy in the country but her desire to destabilise the country will not be successful.On dialogue with BNP, the Commerce Minister posed a counter-question saying with whom they will sit for talks, “With those who are involved in bombing and killings?”
