Drinking water crisis turns acute in Sherpur Garo Palli


Rafiqul Islam, Sherpur :
People of frontier Jhenaigati, Sribordi, Nalitabari upazila of Sherpur district are suffering for want of pure drinking water in this dry season.
Every year this problem becomes so acute and people of this area especially the hilly ethnics are the worst sufferers of it.
The ethnics of the Garo hill said, it not possible to install a tube-well in this hilly area as there are plenty of rocks under the ground.
 Besides, the layer of water level has gone down about 100/150 feet. Many tube-wells in this area have become waterless. They added that they dug a 20 feet well to overcome water crisis. But drinking water from wells causes water borne diseases especially among children.
Government and some other NGO’s of Bangladesh sometimes have taken steps to meet up the demand of pure drinking water and set up ring wells. At this the ethnics of Garo hill got a little benefit. But the ring wells are now in a dilapidate condition.
Uzzala Rani, a villager said, “Finding no alternative we collect well water to overcome water crisis. But the well water is impure to drink. We find it difficult to take bath, wash our clothes, do household chores and agricultural works”. She also added, “we have to suffer this for about six month.
Upazila Nirbahi Officer of Jhenaigati Muhammad Muzammel Haque confirmed about it and said a report has sent to higher authority to solve water crisis in the Garo hill.
