Dried fishes collecting begins in Sundarbans from today

Ahsanul Amin George, Khulna :
Dried fishes collection will be started in the Sundarbans from today ( November 1, 2021) which will be continued till the month of March, said sources of the forest division. Festival tinge are prevailing at dried fish Polly (Area) in different points in the Sundarbans. Much more dried fishes would be possible to produce this year than that of the last year, fishermen expect. For this reason, more revenue collection was realized in the mean time, said Forest Division.
Every year from the month of October to March, around 20 thousand fishermen of 6 Chars of the Bay and Dublarchar, Mongla, Bagerhat, Khulna, Satkhira areas produce dried fishes by collecting fishes from different areas. The fishermen make temporary habitats in the Dried fish polly. They collect Coral, Shrimp, Chala, Loitya, Rupchanda, Kangkon and Med fishes from the sea and then they dry them. Many of the fishermen sell dried fishes from the chars. Some of them bring the dried fishes to nearby markets and sell there. Through traders those dried fishes are exported at home and abroad. Sources of the East Division of the Sundarbans said, permission was given at Alorkole (Dublar Char), Meher Alir Char, Office Fort, Majhee’s fort , Narkelbaria and Shellar Char while 52 depots, 60 shops of necessary commodities and 7 floating shops were set.
Sources further said, till December, 2018, the revenues of Taka 69, 83,044 was realized and vats of taka 10, 47,456 were also realized while taka 33, 78,036 was realized in the last year during the full monsoon and the revenues of taka 3.42 crores werw realized in the last dried fishes collecting season from Dublarchar .
Fishermen said, due to attack by the forest robbers, trespass of Indian fishermen, they could not collect sufficient fishes in a few years ago and as such the traders face loss at that time. With a view to overcome their loss, they applied for time extension. Of coarse, disturbances of the robbers are not found this year and for this reason we have collected fishes according to our opportunities, said Mobarak, a fisherman of village Perikhali in Rampal upazila of Bagerhat duistrict.