5 dredgers taken to Mawa: Dredging of Mongla-Ghasiakhali Channel hampered

Prof. ABM. Mosharraf Husain,Bagerhat :
The dredging work of the Mongla-Ghasiakhali Channel has not yet been completed within the month of June, 2015 for the movement of all kinds of water vessels though it was announced by the authority. .
By this time 5 dredgers were taken away from here to Mawa for dredging Mawa-Kewrakandi water route in the river Padma. As a result, the dredging works of Mongla-Ghasikhali channel is going on in a slow motion and obstruction was created.
 Sources said that the dredging works of the channel (Mongla-Ghasiakhali) was inaugurated at Kaliganj-Dakra point under Rmpal Upazila in Bagerhat district on July 1, 2014 by Dr. Shamsudddoha Khondokar, the then Chairman of BIWTA and declared that the dredging works would be completed within 4 months at a cost of Tk.250 crores. Later the time was extended twice. But in spite of that the dredging work has not yet been completed.
At last the Ministry of Shipping announced that it (the channel) would be opened by the later part of June, 2015 for the movement of all kinds of water vessels. As many as 14 Govt. and private dredgers were engaged in dredging works to make it complete as early as possible buut 5 dredgers were taken away from here to the river Padma at Mawa point, consequently, the rapidity of the dredging works of the channel slowed down, it is complained by the locals. Rajib Kumar Roy, Upazila Nirbahi Officer of Rampal and the local coordinator of the dredging works told the newsmen, the progress of the dredging works was slowed a bit due to the inclement weather and shortage of dredgers. He added, it will be possible to open the channel within 2/3 months for the movement of water vessels.
It may be mentioned here that for want of navigability in Mongl-Ghasiakhali international water channel the water vessels began to move through the river Shela of Sundarban forest as an alternative water route. As a result, an adverse reaction began to fall on the biodiversity of the forest.
 On December 10, 2014 an oil tanker named MV. Southern Star Seven containing 3 lakh farness oil sank in the river Shela at Mrigamari-Badamtala under Chandpai Forest Range.
Following that oil spread on all water sources and soils of the forest and it badly affected the biodiversity of the forest. After the incident the higher authorities decided to re-excavate Mongla-Ghasiakhali channel through dredging for the movement of water vessels.
Didar A Alam, Assistant Engineer, BIWTA- In -Charge of the dredging sector told the newsmen, the dredged area is being silted up quickly. So, tidal basin should be created here and it will be started if the allocation is available. He added, progress of the dredging works is also hampered for want of sufficient number of dredgers.