Dreamers programme that made America great can’t be shelved


THE Trump administration on Tuesday ordered to bring the “Dreamers” programme to an end, which allows illegal immigrants to come to the United States as children and stay in the country. The executive order now clearly threatens the future of around 800,000 young people mostly in their 20s studying in various universities or doing jobs staying with their families. More than just an order – it also clearly smacks of Trump’s continuation of racial prejudice shown to immigrant Americans.
It appears that President Trump wants to stop America from remaining a land of dream for other nationals and thereby to stop America to be a land of dream within itself. It is contrary to American values and freedom it enshrines all over the world.
The immigration programme known as DACA involves early childhood arrival of immigrants’ children. Former President Barack Obama introduced it to legalize the stay of so many illegal immigrants to become eligible for stay and work. But President Trump is out to destroy every legacy left behind by Democratic President Obama and despite poor backing from Congress and even from his own Republican Party he is bent upon undoing it now. It appears Congressional leaders have already voiced reservation to the move while Trump has given Congress six months time to fix a new law to deal with so many immigrants.
We don’t know why Mr. Trump is working on every negative agenda instead of promoting programmes that will being welfare to the Americans and allow people to live in peace. His vow to repeal and replace Obamacare is another battleground that Congress has so far failed to approve despite his persistent push to undo the landmark healthcare programme. He has also withdrawn from Paris Climate Agreement because it was signed by Obama administration. He has withdrawn regulations on oil and energy industries in so far as these regulations had caps on pollution. As for DACA Congress has asked the White House to give them a draft as to what legislation Mr Trump wants to undo DACA and what new programme if any will replace it.
Many fear that Mr Trump’s move will create trouble to so many people whose resident permit will expire later this year or in next two years. They really stand the risk of deportation if the administration does not issue new resident permit. At least two hundred thousands will see such trouble by the end of 2017 and such numbers will even be greater soon.
Americans are tolerant open-minded people but the narrow isolationist policy of Mr Trump, which draws strength from white Supremacists and Ultra-nationalist groups, is opposed to allow migrants to make America their homeland. But one can’t deny the fact that America is America because of hard work by immigrants. It is a country of immigrants; the only difference is that some came earlier than others including Mr Trump’s forefathers. So any policy which is discriminatory to one group of people or the other, should be avoided and the issue needs to be humanely handled to protect others rights.
