Draft of law to list wartime collaborators of Pakistan approved


News Desk :
The government has approved a revised draft of the Jatiya Muktijoddha Council Act with a provision to make lists of people, including members of Razakar, Al Badr, Al Shams and other paramilitary outfits that helped Pakistan Army in 1971 to carry out killings of Bangladeshi people.
The cabinet cleared the draft of the Act on Monday in a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.  
The government had moved to amend the 2002 law because it did not give a legal backing to the lists of the Bangladeshis who collaborated with the Pakistan Army during the war,
reports bdnews24.com. Cabinet Secretary Khandaker Anwarul Islam said those involved in killings, rapes, looting, arson attacks and other crimes against the Bengalis from Mar 26 to Dec 16 during the war and aided the Pakistani army by joining the paramilitary forces will be listed under the law.
Once passed in parliament, the law will enable the Muktijoddha Council to recommend lists or corrections to the government. The number of the council’s members has been increased to 11 from nine.
“Their work will also include taking action against the people who were gazetted or received certificates by providing false information,” the secretary said.
