Dr Rizvi at Anwarul Abedin Lecture Series of AIUB

Campus Report :
In the Summer 2014-15 edition of the Dr Anwarul Abedin Lecture Series, Dr Gowher Rizvi, who is a political scientist and the International Affairs Adviser to the Prime Minister was the distinguished Guest Speaker at American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB) Auditorium in the city recently.
Dr Rizvi delivered a very informative and motivating speech on ‘India-Bangladesh relations’ in the context of Indian Prime Minister Norendro Modi’s visit to Bangladesh in the 1st week of June 2015. Dr Rizvi claimed that many unresolved issues with India were settled in the last five years due to Bangladesh’s good bilateral relations with the neighboring country. Confrontations and suspicion that previously characterized relations between the two countries did not bring any good, said Dr Rizvi. “Various governments had tried to resolve bilateral issues with confrontations and suspicion. But, they did not succeed,” the adviser said.
Only cooperation, not confrontation could resolve the persisting issues centering poverty, terrorism, migration, border and trade gap etc that guide the bilateral relation of the two countries, Dr Gowher added.
After the lecture, a brief intellectual exchange between the Speaker and the audience followed. The Vice Chancellor of AIUB, Dr Carmen Z Lamagna graced the occasion with her valuable presence.