11th National Parliamentary elections: Dr Muhit promises dev with democracy

Sirajganj -6 Seat

A Correspondent :
 Democracy and development are not mutually exclusive, people should have the right to enjoy both, said Dr M A Muhit, at spontaneous gathering at Shahajadpur in Sirajganj on Tuesday.
His vision of no development without democracy and no democracy without development has captured the imagination of the voters, specially, the young generation and first time voters.
Dr. Muhit has been involved in progressive politics since his student years and always been a champion of free speech and spirit of liberation war.
Dr. Muhit, a former teacher at University of London for almost a decade, is running in the in upcoming parliamentary elections as a BNP nominated candidate.
He has been working in Shahajadpur to build a more inclusive society through his social and philanthropic works for over a decade. Following his father Late Dr. Matin, a former deputy prime minster of government of Bangladesh, Dr. Muhit has been contributing in the development of greater Sirajganj, specially, in education, health and human rights sectors.
Dr. Muhit’s candidacy has vitalized the grassroots BNP politics as well as generated huge interest among the young voters in Shahajadpur.
Talking to journalists , a number of first time voters, including both males and females, have expressed their satisfaction and hope in experiencing a clean and positive campaign by Dr. Muhit for the upcoming elections, amid the sporadic violence that marks the current political climate.
