Dr Kamal will talk to journos today


Staff Reporter :
Jatiya Oikyafront Convener and Gono Forum President Dr Kamal Hossain will exchange views with journalists today after the party’s Central Committee meeting ahead of Gono Forum National Council.
Rafiqul Islam Pathik, Gono Forum central committee Information and Media Secretary said, a Central Committee meeting will be held at 4 to 5 pm in the party’s central office at Aarambag ahead of Gono Forum National Council. Dr Kamal will attend the meeting.
Pathik said that the council will be held by the end of March. It will be the party’s fifth council. Gono Forum central committee member Latiful Bari Hamim said, in the meeting, party’s central committee, preparation committee, and those who collected nomination papers for 11th parliamentary polls will join.
After treatment from Singapore, Dr Kamal landed in the city’s Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport by a Thai Airways flight at 1pm on Tuesday.
On January 19, Dr Kamal Hossain along with his wife Hameeda Hossain went to Singapore for medical purposes.
