Dr Kamal wants nat’l dialogue for fresh polls


Staff Reporter :
Jatiya Oikyafront Convener Dr Kamal Hossain on Thursday said that the people witnessed a farce in the name of national election in the country on December 30.
“The December 30 election does not ensure peace and stability of the government,” Dr Kamal, the Gono Forum President as well, made the remarks while addressing a programme at the Dhaka Reporters’ Unity auditorium on Thursday afternoon.
Claiming that no insane could hold a ‘so-called’ election like that of the December 30, Dr Kamal Hossain called for a national dialogue to find ways for arranging the polls as per the Constitution.
“National dialogue is a positive way…. let’s sit (for dialogue) without creating any crisis. Let’s take the decision through this dialogue how to form an elected government and a Parliament holding the election as per the Constitution,” he said.
Awami League President Sheikh Hasina formed the government for the third consecutive terms as her party got more than 252 seats out of total 299 in the 11th national election.
“The December 30 national election was nothing, but an example of palatial trick,” Dr Kamal, a veteran jurist, said calling upon the government to act in accordance with the Constitution for dialogue.
Claiming that the people, who conducted the December 30 national election, have exposed their “unhealthy mentality”, Kamal said people with sound mind cannot be involved in conducting a farce election and to accept it.
The programme was organised by the party on the occasion of the Homecoming Day of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Bangabandhu returned to independent Bangladesh via London and New Delhi on January 10 in 1972 after 290 days of captivity in a Pakistan jail.
