Dr Kamal says he is worried over govt’s recent activities


Staff Reporter :
Gono Forum President Dr Kamal Hossain has expressed his concern over the government’s recent activities against opponent political activists ahead of the election, saying it might hamper the country’s congenial political environment.
Dr Kamal said, “We formed Jatiya Oikya Front as a political platform with the believers of the spirit of our great Liberation War to ensure an environment to hold a free and fair election.”
“It (front) is positive to Prime Minister’s view. But the recent government activities have worried us,” he said.
However, the present activities of the government might create an unhealthy situation, which ultimately would destroy the pro-election friendly atmosphere, he added.
In the statement, Dr Kamal Hossain, a top leader of the Jatiya Oikya Front, said political leaders and activists are being harassed and arrested on different excuses which is unexpected.
