Dr Kamal dissolves GF central body

Staff Reporter :
Gono Forum President Dr Kamal Hossain has dissolved the central committee, amid a deepening conflict among party leaders.
He took the decision exercising the power given to him by party councillors
 at its special council held on April 26 last year, said a party press release on Wednesday.
The committee was dissolved only 10 months after it was formed in a special council of the party on April 26, 2019, according to a statement signed by Kamal Hossain himself.
The central committee was formed on May 5, 2019.
He however, formed a central convening committee declaring himself as President and Dr Reza Kibria as its convener to carry out the party’s all political and organizational duties until its next national council is held.
The names of other members of the convening committee will be announced within this month, and the committee will exercise all the rights enshrined in the party charter for the central committee.
However, the party’s all the districts, thana/upazila, municipality/unions and ward will remain intact, the press release said.
The conflict in the party took a serious turn when the two groups expelled each other from the party by issuing press releases without the sign ature of Dr Kamal.
In the press release, Dr Kamal said their party held its special council on April 26 last year to remove organisational lathery.
Instead of forming subject committees, he said, 3-4 central leaders formed the central committee and took the approval of the president which created an organisational stalemate without bringing dynamism in it.
Dr Kamal said also, lack of organisational discipline has become visible due to ‘irresponsible’ attitude of some party leaders.
Under the circumstances, he said, he was compelled to dissolve the central committee.
