Dr Enamul Haque completes 75 today


Entertainment Report :
Ekushey Award winner actor, playwright, director and teacher Dr Enamul Haque completes 75 today. To celebrate the day, his theatre troupe Nagorik Natya Sampradaya organizes a special programme at Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy today. Dr Haque will be present at Tarokalap on Rtv at 10:40am and Anonna Ruma produced Tarokakothon on Channel i at 12:30pm.
Son of Obaidul Haque and Razia Khatun Dr Enamul Haque was born on May 29 at Motbi area of Feni Sadar in 1943. He completed SSC from Feni Pilot High School, HSC from Dhaka’s Notredame College and Hons and masters in Chemistry from University of Dhaka.
He obtained PhD from Manchester University, UK. He served as a teacher at BUET and performed his duty as chairman of department of Chemistry for 15 years and two years as Dean of Engineering Faculty. When he was student at Notredame College he first acted on stage. During that time he acted in Father Ganguly directed play Bharate Chai. In 1968, he started journey of Nagorik Natya Sampradaya at BUET. He was founding member of this group.
Under the banner of Nagorik Natya Samrapadaya Dr Enamul Haque first acted in Ataur Rahman directed play Buro Shalik-er Gharey Ro. Later he acted in many plays under this troupe like Dewan Gazi’r Kichchha, Nurul Din-er Sarajibon, etc.
In 1995, he came out from this group and formed another theatre group Nagorik Natyangan. He is working as its president till now. He acted with this group in many plays like Jonotar Rongoshala, Sorma, etc. in 2000, he established Nagorik Natyangana Institute of Drama. Now he is working as its Principal.
Dr Enamul Haque acted first TV play was Mustafa Monwar directed Mukhora Romoni Boshikoron. His written first play was Onekdiner Ekdin directed by Abdullah Al Mamun.
After independence, BTV’s first play Bangla Aamar and Ekushey’s first TV play Mala Ekshoto Maloncher were also written by him.
While talking about his birthday Dr Enamul Haque said, “In this little life there were many things to do. But nothing to do but one day I have to leave this world. I am passing days with my wife, two daughters – Hridy and Proitee and their children.” He tied the nuptial knot with Lucky Enam on December 14 in 1970.
