Dr Augustine Cruze: A poet of philosophic trend

M Mizanur Rahman :
r Augustine Cruze has the following books to be reviewed to his credit. Here his sense of religious faith attuned to the poetry of life blended in psychological trend of life itself. Those are as followings-
1. Speechless
2. Let me be alone
3. Sob Hridoye Bhalobasha Achhe (Love exists in each heart) in Bengali version.
4. Ekta Komol Golap (A Soft Rose) -do-
5. Atmar Sandhanay (In Search of Soul) -do-
6. Moha Porajoy (The Great Defeat ) -do-  
In all the poetic verse Dr Cruze is vividly easy and adorable in each line of poetry having the quality of soul-searching when the readers go through each book as above.
The first poem of the anthology Speechless, God seems Humans which startles us-
“Oh God who asked you to create this funny story
The story of Jesus Christ
Brutally crucified by your selfish king and ordinary people
To make a salvation story centering Jesus
Prophecy of Jesus coming
So written in the scriptures
So written your disciples stories
So your miracles so His resurrection offer your death!”…
Here contradictions follow respectively-
Prophecy of Jesus rebirth,
His resurrection, rebirth, and death.
However, Dr A Cruze takes cover as saying, needless to make disputed story centering Christ, salvation, and Paradise.
Rather stay here along with your human-family. Herein lies the philosophy of his poetry that is amazing.
Dr Cruze knows better indecency is the decency’s conspiracy of silence. Hence, he is aloof from contradiction of religion of any form except the religion of man which we perceive here at right earnest. However each poem of this book is interestingly tangible. Readers will enjoy all 112 poems of this book philosophically blended with humanistic psychology.
Publisher: Shahid Hassan Tarafder, Gyankosh Prokashoni. First Print: February 2019. Cover Design: Arup Mandi. Price: 220.00. only. USD$ 11 only.
2) Let Me Be Alone by Dr Augustine Cruze. Publisher, Cover Designer and Price: Same as above.
Every individual being on earth is to live alone with its own entity but that has to remain encompassed by the social, religious and sometimes political communities or parties concerned. So none can remain isolated; however s/he likes to live alone.
But Dr Cruze’s caption of the anthology of poems is Let me be alone!
Yes, every individual on earth has to stand on his/her own feet and put his/her own physical and moral strength towards struggle for existence to eke out life itself also.
However the poet himself stands alone here in expectation of speaking out his mind of poetical verses in which he expressed his mind freely. Let the sagacious readers enjoy them. However the readers would also have pathos towards journey to life like our poet Dr Augustine Cruze while reading each poem of this volume.
Let me be alone
Let me leave the noisy way
At the edge of my life in transient journey
All my relatives, friends passed away
Never had I meant how my childhood would pass away
My youth, my middle path
At the edge my energy and my body mechanism dimmed
Sensing all is leaving me alone… (Page 56)
3) Sob Hridoye Bhalobasa Achhe (Love exists in all hearts)
 (Publisher and price as above)
Songsar Onek Boro
The world is much larger
The sky is the same as earlier
The star lights time and again
The sparkle of stars remains hidden
There the sun stands still
Some people seem to be mad as saying Sun-God
There’s vain hope for God
Time is the silent spectator
of merely the history of life
And its play
of the creation and destruction only
Human being sometimes acts as god
And sometimes acts as demon
Merely their blood is the same red
Irrespective of quality and color
And different natural countenance
Their uneven co-existence
There’re hut, palace
And dirty drain as well
And with them disease and sickness
are usually dwell
While the sky remains as usual as well
Around the bend ever restless
Fairy tales of the country hills
are covered with ice…
(Partly P.11- Tr M Mizanur Rahman).
This anthology contains 110 poems, most of which got theological aspects of life. The readers may enjoy this from here to eternity wherein lies the poet’s sublime ethos.

4) Ekti Komol Golap (A soft rose)
In the preface of this anthology of poems Dr Cruze has claimed, “In the realm of my mental frame I could understand that nature is my master. It pours juice of mystic theories in my mental horizon while nature’s mysteries overwhelm me. As if, it inspires me throwing light in the dark of theoretical spheres. It has its instantaneous outcome for I am inspired to go on researching science, philosophy and mystery of divine powers. My calm and quiet mental realm brings forth thousand and one questions here to pave the way out…the result is my sixth anthology of poems, Ekti Komol Golap (A soft rose).
The rose was blossomed
at the corner of my garden
beyond my eye-sight
but I couldn’t understand
when it catches my eye-sight!
I fear if she refuses me!
The fear spelled off
when her unblemished fragrance
took me over as her own
and as such she aspires after my shining soul
Soon I am too near to her in all…
Tr M Mizanur Rahman


5) Atmar Sondhane (In search of soul)
The mystery of creation and destruction by Almighty God is perennial. Man has little idea of such a vastness of creativity by God. Still He has given us the power of thinking and perception and as such we play our parts on earth everywhere dramatically.
The poet Dr Augustine Cruze has, to that extent, presented the anthology of poems, Atmar Sondhane (In Search of soul). Here he has introduced us about his philosophy of poetry as such “…The mystery of creation is the provision of my soul.” Hence he is in search of poetic materials from this mysterious world of ours.
The caption of the first poem of Atmar Sondhane is Sudhui Chholona Noi i.e.
It’s not at all the act of dissimulation-
The act of my birth is not dissimulation
covering the death trap
but to get into the light at last…(P. 11)
Here the poet has lighted life towards the pain of death and its’ mystery in search of soul. The body lies inert after its soul is out and herein lays mystery. There are other poems of interest soothing our lives that we should go through intently.

6) Moha Porajoy (The Great Defeat)
So long we live on earth we must read books in quest of knowledge that soothes our mental horizon. Everyone comes on earth but one day s/he has to leave from here to eternity. We read at home our poet Dr Cruze’s anthology of poems to pay debts of our souls. In his poem he says deliberately-
“… My defeat is here
where heaven and hell remain
beyond my knowledge
but knowing it well we feign
though God remains alive
throughout my body
while my negligence
appears to have been my defeat
and mostly I remain unaware of my death…”
Contd on page 9
