Dr Aleem al Razee’s death anniv today


The 20th death anniversary of Dr Aleem Al Razee, a noted jurist, parliamentarian, educationist and philanthropist, will be observed today (Sunday) with due respect in the country, says a press release.
A legendary figure, Razee was in the forefront of all political struggles and social and cultural movement unleashed in the country to win democracy, freedom and rights of the people. He envisioned an egalitarian society based on rule of law, social and economic justice and fair play and became a living symbol of resistance against all forms of exploitation oppression and repression. He waged a relentless war on all military rules, totalitarian government and dictatorships both during the pre and post independence Bangladesh.
Different voluntary, socio-cultural organizations and educational institutions have chalked out separate programmes to mark the occasion. Discussion meetings on the life and works of Razee are being organized among others by the Shandhani National Eye Donation Society (SNEDS), City Law College. Dhaka Nagarpur Government College, Nagarpur and Dr Aleem Al-Razee High School, Lowhati Tangail Dr Aleem Al Razee Memorial Council members will lay floral wreaths and offer fateha at Razee’s graveyard in Banani in the morning and hold milad mahfil in Razee’s remembrance on the day in his native village.
