DPS students attend medical camp at Madaripur


Campus Report :Eight students of DPS STS School along with two teachers attended the 9th International Cleftlip palate and Maxillo-facial Medical Camp held recently at the Madaripur District Hospital in Madaripur, Bangladesh as part of the Taimur Khan Project. The Camp was organized by the Asmat Ali Khan Foundation in collaboration with HCFT Kenya, Smile Train USA, and Grace of Friends USA. The chief patron of the Foundation is Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan, MP. The Taimur Khan Project is partnering with DPS STS School, Dhaka and Asmat Ali Khan Foundation, Bangladesh to encourage school children in education and leadership.  On 22nd October, the DPS STS students and teachers arrived at Madaripur along with the team of doctors and nurses from Kenya led by Dr M Onguti, CEO, HCFT, Kenya, Dr Antony Wong, Friends of Grace International, USA and Dr Mahbubur Khan. They were received and welcomed by the Shipping Minister and other distinguished guests. On 23rd October, an opening ceremony for the camp was held where the chief guest was the Minister of Housing and Public Works, Engr Mosharraf Hossain, MP. The ceremony was also attended by Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan, MP. Other distinguished guests were the international team of doctors, local people from Madaripur and people from surrounding areas who had come for treatment. DPS STS students were handed over crests and certificates by the Chief Guest Engr Mosharraf Hossain, MP and Shipping Minister Shahjahan Khan, MP.The ceremony was followed by patient screening by an international medical team. DPS STS students assisted the team by acting as interpreters, and by helping with document information received from patients.
