Dozens die in Ukrain estreet battles


Reuters, Kiev :
Heavy shelling hit residential neighborhoods in Ukraine’s rebel stronghold of Donetsk and government forces fought street battles in other towns on Wednesday as they sought to crush a four-month-old separatist rebellion.
The forces of the Western-backed Kiev government are steadily gaining the upper hand over the separatists in Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine and are tightening the noose around the main rebel bastions of Donetsk and Luhansk.
Reuters reporters in Donetsk said mortar bombs had struck Chelyuskintsev Street in the north of the city, a few km (miles) from the frontline of the conflict, shattering the windows of several five-floor apartment buildings and shearing off the branches of trees and downing power lines.
The attack left large craters in the street and a meter-wide hole in the first floor of one of the apartment buildings.
“The Ukrainian army or whoever they are – they’re bombing us again. I’ve lived in the apartment building my entire life and now they want to take everything I have. There is nothing left to lose here in this city,” said Nina, 52.
