DOZE Internet offers 50pc discount installation charges

Business Desk :
DOZE Internet has offered 50percent discount on installation charges of minimum of 10 Mbps from April 14 to 18, 2015 on the occasion of celebrating Pahela Baishakh.
This campaign will run on the Facebook and participants can easily engage with this offer.
Participants shall have to take pictures during the Pahela Baishakh festival and upload it on their own Facebook wall. No restriction or bar for uploading pictures on this particular day. Participants must use the hash tag #iwantdoze as the caption of their picture and must ensure that the privacy setting for the picture is changed to ‘Public.’
Under this campaign, participants will receive 50percent discount on the installation charges of any DOZE package they want to purchase within the Dhaka Metropolitan Area. This offer would entitle users to install DOZE at their homes and offices for a total of BDT 4,000 which had previously been BDT 8,000. The monthly packages for 45 GB and 100 GB data would be BDT 1,500 and BDT 3,000 respectively without 15percent VAT.
For further details, call 09612 363 693 or visit website