EC to law enforcers: Don’t take action against councillor aspirants


Staff Reporter :
Election Commission Joint Secretary and also returning officer of Dhaka South City Corporation Md Abdul Baten has urged the law enforcing agencies not to arrest any councillor aspirants of DSCC for any kind of old cases.
He said, revival of old cases and arrest the councillor aspirants for that would not be fair. If any counsillor is accused of criminal cases then the law enforcers can arrest them.
The EC joint secretary said this while talking to reporters at his office on Saturday.
Ishraq Hossain, BNP mayoral candidate for DSCC on Friday filed some complaints with the RO that the law enforcing agencies have arrested one BNP backed councillor aspirant and another got threat.
Ishraq has requested the RO not to arrest any councillor aspirants.
Returning Officer Md Abdul Baten said, if punishment or warrant is issued for old cases, it must have been before the announcement of election schedule. However, he said that it would not be fair to take action now. After the election if the law enforcing agencies want they can take action.
Talking about the BNP’s candidate’s written allegation, he said that they would scrutinize the complaints.
