Don’t obstruct peaceful progs: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
Dhaka city unit BNP convener Mirza Abbas on Wednesday warned that the government will be held responsible for the evolving situation if it tries to obstruct his party’s peaceful action programmes.
“Our leader (Khaleda) hasn’t given us swords and shields to carry out our movement. Our movement will be peaceful and democratic one. But the government must shoulder the responsibility for the emerging situation if it tries to block our programmes,” Abbas said.
He was talking to reporters at the beginning of a joint meeting of the city unit BNP at its Bhashani Bhaban office in the city’s Nayapaltan area.
Abbas, also a BNP standing committee member, slammed the ruling party leaders for taunting BNP by saying that the party has no ability to wage a movement. “I want to say why you have got unnerved if you think we’re not capable to launch a movement.”
Pointing at the deployment of huge law enforcers around the BNP office centring the meeting, the BNP leader said, “What will you (govt) do in the future as you have become worried with our small meeting? “
He called upon the government not to cerate any obstacle to their peaceful movement for the sake of democracy. “Please, let democracy move its own way and don’t try to obstruct it.”
At the meeting, Abbas, also a former minister, gave the party leaders necessary direction to make their scheduled action programmes a success.
Abbas said the leaders and activists of the 20-party will bring out a procession with black flags from in front of BNP’s Nayapaltan central office around 3pm on August 13 while the alliance will hold a rally at Suhrawardy Udyan on August 16 around 4pm peacefully.
He directed the party leaders not to do any provocative acts during observing their programmes.
Dhaka city unit BNP senior member and party standing committee member Gayeshwar Chandra Roy, its adviser Abdus Salam, joint convener Abdul Awal Mintoo, members Barkatullah Bulu, Abul Khaier Bhuiyan, Syed Moazzem Hossain Alal, SA Khalek, member secretary Habibun Nabi Sohel and presidents and secretaries of different associates bodies and city BNP’s different unit were, among others, present with Abbas in the chair.