Don’t neglect fever as ‘atypical’ dengue baffles doctors

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Thirteen-year-old Arju has been suffering from fever for five days. Suddenly he fell unconscious and then had a seizure. His parents have taken him to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH). Doctors with their previous experiences put him on a saline drip in what they call ‘fluid management’ of the dengue patient. The boy is now getting well.
Another boy, who cannot be named, has been admitted to a private hospital with his fever and blurring of vision. His platelet count, fall of which is a usual suspect of dengue, is okay. But doctors found his ‘dengue NS1 antigen’ test positive, which means he gets the mosquito-borne viral infection. He is also under watch with fluid management.
“In both cases, dengue involves the brain. This is rare. But now we are frequently getting this type of dengue patients,” said Dr Md Titu Miah, professor of medicine at the DMCH, who is treating both the patients.
He called it ‘atypical’ presentation of the otherwise seasonal fever, dengue, which has taken a bad turn this June, months before its usual peak season in September. Counting the cases becomes useless as any fever is a suspect of dengue to doctors.
“Now it (dengue) involves different organs like brain, heart, liver, and kidney. We also found in most of the critical patients, who came to the hospital, the condition worsened when their fever has gone. They went home relax, but after a couple of days fell ill again. We found fluid leakage began,” Prof Titu Miah said, suggesting adhering to follow-up for few days.
Dengue first struck Bangladesh in 2000, killing 93 people. Since 2003, the death rate has gradually declined with zero fatalities in some years.
But last year it took a devastating turn with over 10,000
infections and 26 deaths, according to the government statistics. This year, according to the government control room, so far 4,852 people were affected with only three deaths. The media, however, reported over 10 deaths citing different hospital sources.
According to the WHO, the global incidence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades. About half of the world’s population is now at risk.