Alzheimer's risk: Don’t cook food in excessive heat: Research

Tareen Rahman :
An investigation report has recently been published in a ‘Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease’ where it has come out that the temperature used in cooking food may play a key role in patients who are at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
As we grow older, our risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease increases. Alzheimer’s is a type of progressive dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behaviour. The majority of people with Alzheimer’s are 65 or older. This disease is more prevalent in Western countries, but as aged population is increasing in third world countries, the concern to find a remedy has become important for all.
Research shows, this problem of partial to total memory loss may be reduced to a large extent by low heat cooking. On the other hand, cooking at a high temperature is detrimental, as it increases the risk in patients of developing this disease.
This information has come up in a research done in ‘Mount School of Medicine’ of United Kingdom. An amino acid called ‘ Beta-amyloid’ is present in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients. This Beta-amyloid is distributed in brain by blood circulation.
 As a result , the tendency to develop Alzheimer’s is more probable.
 ‘Advanced Glycogen and Product’ or AGP functions as a mediator in transporting
‘Beta-amyloid’ in brain. AGP is a combination of sugar, protein and several other components. This increases the level of ‘ Beta-amyloid’ dispersion in brain tissue and increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.
The level of AGP is higher in food cooked at high temperature. As a result, food cooked at high temperature indirectly increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.
In order to measure the amount of AGP in food, the investigators cooked 549 varieties of food in various techniques. They observed that the more the heat is used in cooking food, the more the level of AGP is increased.
The researchers further found, among different varieties of food, the level of AGP is highest in meat. After that, vegetable oil, cheese and fish have a high level of AGP.