Donald Trump`s victory will be punishment for American people


DONALD Trump winning the US presidency is considered one of the top 10 risks facing the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit. The research firm warns he could disrupt the global economy and heighten political and security risks in the US. However, it does not expect Mr Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton who it sees as “his most likely Democratic contender”.He is rated as riskier than Britain leaving the European Union or an armed clash in the South China Sea. China encountering a “hard landing” or sharp economic slowdown and Russia’s interventions in Ukraine and Syria preceding a new “cold war” are among the events seen as more dangerous. The EIU ranking uses a scale of one to 25, with Mr Trump garnering a rating of 12, the same level of risk as “the rising threat of jihadi terrorism destabilising the global economy”.It is hardly surprising that one of the most respected and reputed research firms in the world rated Mr Trump’s ascension to power which is unlikely however, as destabilizing as the emergence of ISIS – indeed it would almost be the equivalent of the ISIS leader Baghdadi becoming President of Syria or Egypt.Both of them share many things in common with the most hated rabble rouser in world history – Adolf Hitler, another master manipulator who could whip up a frenzy of emotions by simply speaking in public to a vast audience. Like Mr Trump, Hitler had the uncanny ability to zoom in on the worst fears of his audience and capitalize on them – making it appeared to them that he was the Messiah sent to solve their problems.In a similar way Mr Trump plays on his supposed huge wealth – which is highly debatable, considering that he has become bankrupt almost twice, and has nowhere near the USD 10 billion in wealth that he has. It sets out a signal to the Americans who support him whether he has the ability to effectively govern the country, as he had the power to make so much money.But the reality, like many of his speeches, is more obscure. He shows a fondness for changing his statements so we have no real idea on what to believe. He purports to not know who the racist backers of his campaign are, and says torture techniques should be magnified manifold and assassination attempts on extremist families be ordered to further the US war on terror. He speaks of riot if he is denied nomination. In effect, he will fight darkness with darkness.Donald, if elected President of the United States that will be punishment for the nice people of the United States.
