Donald Trump’s son-in-law travels to Iraq

White House senior adviser Jared Kushner landed in Iraq Monday, his first visit to the country since assuming a broad portfolio of foreign affairs in the Trump presidency.
Kushner, President Donald Trump’s
son-in-law, was invited by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joseph Dunford, and is traveling with him, sources told CNN. Capt. Greg Hicks, a spokesman for Dunford, said he is traveling on behalf of the President to express the President’s support and commitment to the government of Iraq and US personnel currently engaged in the campaign.
 Kushner has been invited to meet with Iraqi leaders, senior US advisers and visit with US forces in the field to receive an update on counter-ISIS operations, Hicks said. He is expected back in the United States early this week, a senior administration official told CNN.
The New York Times first reported Kushner’s trip.