Donald Trump can’t be a friend of Muslims, Muslim countries must learn to act together

US President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have discussed military deals, investment in the US, and security cooperation, during the prince’s first visit to the White House. Referring to the political shake-up that Saudi Arabia has witnessed in recent months, Trump on Tuesday praised the 32-year-old crown prince, popularly known as MBS, in his new role.

Trump held up charts to show the depth of Saudi purchases of US military hardware, ranging from ships to missiles, planes and fighting vehicles. For his part, MBS, who is 39 years younger than Trump, pointed to the history of the alliance between the two countries.

Last year, the two leaders agreed on a plan for $ 200bn worth of Saudi investments with the US, including large purchases of US military equipment. However, in Tuesday’s meeting, Bin Salman said the plan exceeded expectations, doubling the amount of investments between Saudi Arabia and the US.

On the political level, the American President is trying to sell the crown prince to the American public, when Saudi Arabia’s image is really bad he said. It’s basically a show to sell the fact that Saudi Arabia is an ally of the US, at a time when most Americans tend to think of the Saudi monarchy as a wealthy supporter of terror. But at a more strategic level the visit has more to do with realigning Saudi Arabia and the US against Iran.


It is quite clear that President Trump does not care about the Muslim world in general–he is only interested in the money which Saudi Arabia can give to the US. The Saudi Prince is seen as rich and amenable to the suggestions of the US–and that is all that matters. The idea of a rich prince who will spend his oil money is what attracts Trump to him in the first place. But Mr Trump has nothing to offer to the rest of the Muslim world. He does not care about Yemen or the Rohingya as they have no oil to offer him or money to purchase US defence equipment.

Prince Salman, or MBS as he is often called, thinks he can buy his way into the hearts of the American people with his multi-billion dollar investments. Unfortunately this will not stop the negative publicity which his Kingdom is associated with. Saudi Arabia has so far committed to spending USD 12.5 billion only–far short of USD 200 billion. But the US and Mr Trump only think of him as a rich sheikh who is in the US for defence purchases. He should understand that he has no real influence over the US except what money can buy.

The different Muslim countries of Middle East must learn to act together. The Sheiks of the Middle East are known in the West as filthy rich to be used one against the other. The Muslim countries have to speak from the position of strength if they are to be seriously taken.

It is a shame that the Sheiks lavishly pour in money to please America but the present government in the United States under President Trump has no sympathy for the cause of Muslims especially for the sufferings of the Palestinians. The state of Israel is being tolerated as a nuclear power for punishing the Muslims. We must make a distinction between the American people and the government of Trump. We should have all the respect and good will for the great American people for their democratic virtues and human right values.
