Does Hamas work for Palestinians or for Israel?


THE Israeli military lifted protective restrictions on residents in the south on Monday, while Gaza’s ruling Hamas militant group reported a cease-fire deal had been reached to end the deadliest fighting between the two sides since a 2014 war. The escalation had killed 25 on the Gaza side, both militants and civilians, while on the Israeli side four civilians were killed by incoming fire.
The Islamic Jihad militant group, which Israel accused of instigating the latest violence, confirmed that a “mutual and concurrent” truce had been brokered by Egypt. Israel and Hamas are bitter enemies and have fought three wars and numerous smaller battles since the Islamic militant group seized Gaza from Western-backed Palestinian forces in 2007.
In the latest fighting, which erupted over the weekend, Palestinian militants fired hundreds of rockets into Israel, while the Israeli military responded with airstrikes on some 350 militant targets inside Gaza, including weapons storage, attack tunnels and rocket launching and production facilities.
In the very beginning; Hamas was a Palestinian Islamist political organisation and militant group that had waged war on Israel since the group’s 1987 founding, most notably through suicide bombings and rocket attacks. The role of Hamas, however, has become come under question in the recent day; especially after the latest unnecessary aggressiveness against Israel.
We can’t believe Hamas works for Palestinians and not for Israel. It doesn’t work for Muslims; rather its activities show that it works for the Jews. In which way it is fighting with Israel; it’s totally a foolish approach. With its child toys, Hamas is trying to attack Israel which we think is nothing but provoking the Jewish nation.
Hamas does not know what the war is! And so, it is foolishly engaging itself in an uneven war. It’s unnecessary wastage of lives and money. Dozens of Palestinians are giving their lives in an unplanned and fruitless mission. Muslim countries should find out why Hamas is spending their donated money in a thoughtless way.
We see Hamas is giving opportunity to the incumbent rightist Netanyahu Government so that it could legalise killing of Muslim under the cover of anti-Palestinian war in a bid to establish Jerusalem as the capital of Jewish nation.
