DOE urges citizens to avoid poly bags

Staff Reporter :
Department of Environment, Bangladesh recently released a public announcement for avoiding Polythene bags which is a contamination agent working for destroying the environment of the country.
According to them, due to its imperishable properties, it remains intact for long in the nature and affects the soil by destroying productivity when dumped.
In the urban environment, due to open dumping practices on the road and drainage systems, it creates blockage in the sewerage systems and creates waterloggings. The result of such dumping creates waterlogging, severe sufferings to residents, water and soil pollution.
Carrying and preserving food items are now a common practice in Bangladesh, but it is highly threatening to health. Using polythene for carrying and preserving food items can cause immediate  
chemical toxic reaction which can cause risk of life threatening disease like cancer and other infectious diseases.
Through burning polythene emission of toxic Hydrogen Cyanide occurs which is a threat to public health and the environment. It is pretty normal in Bangladesh that mass burning of polythene occurs and threat of such emission is growing rapidly.
Addressing the adverse effect of polythene use, the government has banned all sorts of production, import, marketing, sales, advertising, warehousing, distribution and commercial transportation and use in the country from April 8 in 2002.
Despite banning, polythene bags are being used often in different ways in the market and daily life. Use of polythene bags is a clear violation of Bangladesh Environment Preservation Law, 1995 (Amendment 2010). Violation is also a punishable offense.
Moreover, producing polythene bags, import and marketing are an offence. Law prescribes minimum two years to maximum 10 years imprisonment with labour or minimum Tk 2,00,000 to maximum Tk 10,00,000 financial penalty or both is implacable to the offender.
The announcement also added that polythene bags sales, warehousing, distribution, commercial transportation and commercial use may result to the offender one year imprisonment or Tk 50,000 financial penalty or both are applicable.
So, the Department of Environment is urging the related everyone not to produce, import, market, sell, advertise, warehouse, distribute and commercial transport and use in the country for saving environment and public halth.