Doctors shortage at ENT Hospital


Reza Mahmud :
The lone state run specialised hospital of the country for Ear, Nose and Throats suffers from want of sufficient number of specialists, physicians technicians, nurses and equipments.
The National Institute of Ear, Nose and Throat (NIENT) has vacant of four posts of anesthesiologists and ICU specialists since its inaugurations in 2013. Besides, it has shortage of 33 doctors, a CT scanner and a MRI machine.
 “We conduct operation of 200 patients every month. But many of the serious patients do not get that services due to shortage of anesthesiologists and ICU specialists. If the four posts of anesthesiologists and ICU specialists are recruited, then the number of operations would be doubled,” Professor Mahmudul Hasan, the Director of the Institute told The New Nation.
On the spot it was seen that many patients were leaving the hospital because the dates of their operations were over.
The director said, the institute has 94 posts of doctors in different disciplines, but there are only 61 doctors. The 33 posts are vacant. It hampers treatment to the patients.
He also admitted that the institute has neither CT scanner machine nor any MRI equipment.
 “For want of such essential equipments, the specialised hospital has become ailing,” said one of the officials of the NIENT. He also said there are shortage of nurses.
 “The patients do not get proper treatment there. Operation dates are changed often. Some times patients are asked to wait for days together. As a result, patients of serious conditions go to other hospitals.” said Abdullah Tasin, one of the relatives of a patient.
The officials of the hospital admitted that the hospital has manpower and logistic crises.
Sources said, the hospital was inaugurated in 2013. It is now running with 100 beds in an eight-storied building. It has seven high-tech and well-equipped operation theatres.
A patient named Sumona Rani Das said, “Where should I go now. The doctors said they are helpless. They have no logistic supports to conduct my operation soon. Our view is that the doctors should take up the issue with the health ministry to resolve the crisis. 
