Doctors’ negligence blamed for woman’s death

UNB, Dhaka :
The husband of a senior official of the Information Department on Sunday alleged that his wife died due to doctors’ negligence at Square Hospital in the city last month.
Speaking at a press conference at Jatiya Press Club, Kazi Ahsanul Hasib, senior engineer of a private telecom operator, said his wife Tania Sultana died of ‘cardiogenic shock’ on February 19, just two days after the hospital authority shifted her from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to a cabin without any facility for heart monitoring.
Ahsanul Habib said he had already shown the medical papers to several experts who expressed their surprise over shifting Tania to a cabin from the ICU, even though the relevant medical test results performed on her, including ECO and blood tests, on February 16 showed that she was suffering from acute cardiac disease.
Tania Sultana, who was a senior information officer of the Press Information Department (PID), was admitted to Square Hospital on February 12 under the supervision of gynaecologist Dr Nasima Shaheen and gave birth to a baby boy at the hospital on February 13.
On February 16, the day she was supposed to be released from the hospital, Tania felt severe respiratory problems and the hospital authority shifted her to the ICU.
One day later, she was shifted to a normal cabin under cardiologist Dr Khaled Mohsin who assured the family members that there was no need for keeping her at the ICU.
Although Tania felt the respiratory problems again on February 18, the cardiologist and the gynaecologist mentioned above assured the family members that it was nothing serious, and even advised them to prepare to take her home.
However, on February 19, Tania felt the respiratory pain again around 4:30pm and died a while later.
Speaking at the press conference on Sunday, Tania’s husband Hasib alleged that he had raised a complaint to the hospital authorities in this connection after failing to contact cardiologist Dr Khaled Moshin.
The hospital on March 3 assured Hasib that they will revisit the matter and inform him about their steps later on.
Hasib expressed his dissatisfaction at the press conference that the hospital authorities have not yet informed him of any steps in this connection.