Doctors must now talk boldly how unprepared hospitals are

Our doctors and health care people have not been provided with their own safety gears to be remained safe and able to help the corona infected patients. The most frustrating thing is that the facilities are in woefully short supply in treating the patients. Now the doctors forced by circumstances have been facing that hospitals are least prepared, not only to speak of the coronavirus but also for ordinary patients. The doctors and health workers in other countries, especially National Health Service of Britain, are being highly praised for their brave and dedicated services to save lives when no easy cure is available against coronavirus. In our country despite the fact that we have good doctors and hardworking nurses but they are helpless. Our healthcare system is abysmally unprepared. We have hospitals but no government efforts to make them prepared for offering efficient healthcare. They were short of funds and short of necessary tools but corruption was widespread for misuse of funds.
Our doctors and others usually remain quiet out of fear or selfishness. Like other developed countries our government is also talking about testing of suspected people to know who are positive. But without medical facilities to take care of the persons found positive, though essential, will not help to save lives. There will be more quarantine centres without facilities to die untreated. It is natural for landlords if they do not feel safe to have such doctors and nurses who are dealing with deadly virus. In other countries special facilities are provided for them to stay away from their own families. In England for their effective service even the private sector people are willingly offering separate accommodation and other facilities.
In our country since the hospitals are unprepared the doctors and nurses are underestimated. Even then the people have all praise for them and expect them to be boldly expressing their difficulties.