Do potatoes make us fat?

Life Desk :
We love to dichotomize foods as good and bad. For example quinoa good, candy bad, spinach good, pizza bad, flaxseeds good and potatoes bad, bad and bad!
When it comes to potato, we only think about it as a carb laden food, which makes us gain weight. Many don’t even think it qualifies to be called a vegetable – after all vegetables are supposed to be healthy. But much to your surprise (and delight of foodies), this is not entirely true. Today we debunk nine myths about potatoes which will change the way you view them.
Myth: Sweet potatoes are good and white potatoes are bad
Fact: Both the types of potatoes have their own benefits and nutritional value. 100 grams serving of both type of potato contain:
Sweet potato White potato
Fibre: 3 grams Fibre: 2.1 grams
Potassium: 5% Potassium: 3.5%
Vitamin C: 33% Vitamin C: 16%
Magnesium: 6% Magnesium: 5%
Iron: 4% Iron: 6%
So, the conclusion is that they both are not that different to occupy opposite ends as good or bad. In fact looking at the values we can say that they are somewhat similar.
Myth: Potatoes spike blood sugar because they are full of carbs
Fact: Glycemic index ranks foods based on how much they increase blood sugar levels. So, to avoid drastic increase in blood sugar it is said you must have foods that have a low glycemic index.
Potatoes have a medium glycemic index and do not raise the blood sugar levels dangerously high. Glycemic index of potato is 56. The main thing is the form in which you consume the potato. Deep frying and shallow frying makes them fattening.
Myth: You should eat only 1 potato a month
Fact: Consumption of potato depends on the level of your activity and nutrition you need in a day. If your daily activity is average and you also have a balanced diet, you can eat one potato a day.
Myth: Potatoes are full of calories
Fact: A big fat sized potato, which is generally not available in Indian grocery store contains 258 calories (flesh and skin) which includes 0.37-gram fat, 57.97-grams carb and 6.2-grams protein. Potatoes lead to weight gain only if consumed regularly in large amount. Also, what matters is the form in which they are consumed. Baked and steamed potatoes are considered to be the best form.
Myth: Potato is not a vegetable
Fact: Potatoes are botanically classified as a vegetable, but they are classified nutritionally as a starchy food. This is because when eaten as part of a meal, they are generally used in place of other starchy carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta or rice.
Myth: Potatoes ruin weight loss plan
Fact: When potatoes are cooked in a healthy way like baked, boiled, roasted or steamed they cause no harm to any weight loss plan. In fact, since they are complex carbohydrates, they aid weight loss.
But if you team up potatoes with cream, cheese, butter or any other dip, they will surely contribute to weight gain. Things like fries and chips should be avoided.