DNCC’s 10-day anti-mosquito drive begins today

Staff Reporter :
Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) is going to start its 10-day combing operation to destroy breeding grounds of Aedes mosquitoes from Saturday.
Aedes mosquito is carrier of both dengue and chikungunya diseases which spread in recent years in the country.
A DNCC press release said that the drive will continue every day except Friday from 10:00am to 1:00pm.
To make the operation successful every ward will be divided into 10 sectors and each sector will have 10 sub-sectors according to the press release.
The DNCC teams will conduct the operations and they will cover all 54 wards of the DNCC.
The teams will inspect different establishments, houses and under construction buildings and check for breeding grounds of Aedes mosquitoes in the area.
Teams to be comprised with four garbage management workers and one spray-man will take part in the process in each sub-sector, while 40 garbage management workers and 10 spray-men will take part in each sector in every day’s efforts.
They will collect pictures and addresses of the houses and other establishments and mobile phone numbers of its owners if they find Aedes larvae or breeding hotspots of Aedes mosquitoes in those installations.
All data collected during the drives will be stored to prepare a database in monitoring the breeding hotspots.
DNCC mayor Atiqul Islam requested residents, councillors and journalists to extend hands to make the operations fruitful.
The Mayor urged also all to clear all stagnant water, water bodies so that the breeding spots of Aedes mosquitoes to be destroyed. He asked all to work together to make the city dengue and chikunguniya free.