DMP to keep roads off-limits to traffic for AL Council


Staff Reporter :
The Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) will keep roads around the capital’s Suhrawardy Udyan off-limits to the traffic on 22 and 23 October for smooth holding of the Bangladesh Awami League’s (AL) council session.
DMP has also taken all-out security measures ahead of the council session to be held at Suhrawardy Udyan.
Road stretch from Kadam Foara in front of the High Court to Matsya Bhaban to Shahbagh crossing to TSC to Doyel Chattar will remain off-limits to traffic on the two days, said DMP commissioner Md Asaduzzaman Mia.
The DMP Commissioner was talking to newsmen after inspecting the security arrangements at Suhrawardy Udyan on Wednesday. He said a multi-tier security has been put in place to ensure the safety of thousands of people who are expected to throng the Suhrawardy Udyan.
Besides, he said, the entry of common people to the Suhrawardy Udyan will be restricted from 21 October to October 23. The police officer said none will be allowed to enter the council session venue along with firearms, explosives and bag. He said archways will be set up at all the entrances of the Suhrawardy Udyan equipped with metal detectors.
The DMP Commissioner said the law enforcers will work with the activists of the ruling AL’s front organisations such as Juba League, Swechchhasebak League and Chhatra League to ensure the security of the capital city on the occasion of the council session. He said the entire area adjacent to the council session place has been brought under surveillance of the closed-circuit television cameras.
