Failing dope tests: DMP fires 10 cops, suspends 18

UNB, Dhaka :
Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has terminated 10 policemen and suspended 18 more for failing dope tests.
So far, 68 policemen – seven sub-inspectors, one sergeant, five assistant sub-inspectors, five nayeks, and 50 constables – have failed the tests. DMP Deputy Commi-ssioner for Media and Public Relation Walid Hossain confirmed this. Also, allegations – including taking and selling drugs, falsely implicating people
 with it, and taking a bribe to show a lesser amount of recovered drugs – were made against 29 other policemen.
Earlier this year, DMP Commissioner Md Shafiqul Islam said: “All the suspected drug-addict policemen will have to take drug tests. If anyone is found positive, he will be sacked.”
Shafiqul also said police personnel involved in drugs are already under intelligence surveillance.