Database of tenants, house owners: DMP finishes only 50pc work so far

Sagar Biswas :
Dhaka Metropolitan Police has so far completed only fifty percent task of digital database of tenants and house owners, though only two months are left to touch the deadline.  
In an attempt to stop criminals and militants from setting up hideouts in Dhaka city, all landlords of the capital were directed to submit information about their tenants and themselves to the DMP within March 15.
Responding to the DMP’s request, around 80 percent tenants and house owners had submitted their personal information to the nearby police station within the timeframe. But the overall work did not make any progress due to reasons best known to them.
When contacted, Deputy Commissioner of DMP Masudur Rahman told The New Nation on Sunday: “We’ve got sufficient information about the tenants. Now we’re verifying the documents provided by them [tenants and house owners]. At the same time, we’re taking computer entry of this information. …. It is taking time.”
As per information available, out of 1.25 crore residents of capital city, around one crore are tenants. In this regard, Masudur Rahman said: “We’ve already received information of about one crore tenants. We’re trying to finish the database as soon as possible.”
Sources in the DMP said,
several militants involved in recent terror attacks in different parts of the country were caught recently from some messes [bachelors’ residence] in the city. The militants used the messes as base camps for their operational planning and hassle-free retreat.
The arrests of terrorists in the messes have sent a wave of panic among the house owners across the city. In this situation, the house owners had started showing less interest to rent their houses to the bachelors apparently to avoid police harassment.
The burning issue has also drawn attention of government high-ups, when the social media flooded with the heated status of bachelors who were rejected by the house owners.
Meanwhile, the DMP authorities in a function on Saturday announced to provide a separate ‘Unicode’ for each tenant and house owner.
The database will contain a ‘Unicode’ [it provides a unique number for every character] for each tenant and house owner. It will help the law enforcement agencies to identify the person, if he or she is suspected for militant activities or any crime.
 “Getting directives from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the database is being prepared to eliminate militancy. It will contain latest info of house owners and tenants,” Dhaka Metropolitan Police [DMP] Commissioner Asaduzzaman Mia said.
He said DMP hasn’t spent a single penny for state exchequer, though over Taka 100 crore spent to prepare voter list. “We’re working day and night. Hope, the database will be able to handover the database to PM within a year,” the DMP Commissioner said.
In line with the DMP’s new plan, all the tenants would get an identification number along with their names from DMP. Besides, instruction has been issued to inform police if any tenant changes address of his house.
“Police will preserve the tenants’ information provided by the house owners. In this way, each and every tenant will get an ID number. The days of hiding information have gone,” a senior official of DMP, said.
The official further said this arrangement at the same time would bring the house owners under the scanner of security agencies.