Diversified jute goods display center opens in city


Economic Reporter :
A diversified jute goods display and sales center has been opened in the city’s Karim Chamber at Mothijheel with a view to display some 280 types of locally produced diversified jute goods permanently.
Jute Diversification Promotion Center (JDPC) under the Textile and Jute Ministry opened the centre on Wednesday while Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun inaugurated it.
“The government has enabled to bring back the lost tradition of the Jute through transforming the country again into a golden fiber land,” said Textile and Jute Minister Golam Dastigir Gazi who attended the programme as special guest.
In addition to this, a five-day Jute fair, beginning from today at the center, will sale and display the diversified jute goods through its 30 stalls.
The JDPC so far prepared nearly 702 entrepreneurs in jute diversification. The entrepreneurs are producing 280 types of different diversified jute goods now which are being exported to 118 countries across the world.
Acting Textile and Jute Secretary Mohammad Delwar Hossen, Additional Secretary Gulnar Nazmun Nahar, Director General of the Department of Jute Shamsul Alam, JDPC’s Executive Director Rina Parveen and Textile and Jute Ministry officials, among others, attended the meeting.
