DIU Tourism and Hospitality Management Dept celebrates 4th Anniv

Prof Dr Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University inaugurating the 4th Anniversary program of Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management of the university through cutting a cake as chief guest on Monday.
Prof Dr Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University inaugurating the 4th Anniversary program of Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management of the university through cutting a cake as chief guest on Monday.

Campus Report :

Tourism & Hospitality Management Department of Daffodil International University (DIU) has celebrated its 4th Anniversary on Monday with gala events at Banquet Hall of the university. Prof Dr Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor of DIU inaugurated the day daylong program through cutting a cake as chief guest. Keerthin Weragoda, General Manager, Royel Park Residence Hotel, Arman-Al-Huda, Director of HR, Hotel Le Meridian, Dr AR Khan, Chairperson, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Primeasia University, Pervez A Choudhury, Principal, National Hotel and Tourism Training Institute, Dr Ulfat Hussain, Former Director of HR, Radission and Westin, Mohammad Zahirul Islam, Head of Sales and Marketing, Brac Service Ltd, Eng Md. Shajibul-Al-Rajib, Managing Director, Dhaka Resort Ltd, Prof Maruful Islam, CEO, The Olives, SM Shahabuddin, CEO, Pearl Bay Tourism, Abu Sufian, Editor, Bhramon Magazine, Prof Dr Farid A Sobhani, Dean, HRDI and Mahbub Pervez, Head, Dept of Tourism and Hospitality Management, DIU were also present at the program as special guest. Prof Rafiqul Islam, Dean, FBE delivered welcome speech at the program.  
While addressing as the chief guest Prof Dr Yousuf Mahbubul Islam said that tourism is a very potential sector in Bangladesh. Government and non-government organizations are conducting various activities to develop this sector. But, expected progress didn’t come out still now due to lack of collective coordination and collaboration. Prof Islam also said that Bangladesh has all capability and resources to be the number one tourism based country in the world and we just need collaboration in this regards.
Prof Rafiqul Islam in his welcome speech said that possibility of tourism sector is increasing day by day and young students are being interested in graduating on tourism and hospitality management. They are doing well in this sector. Students of Tourism and Hospitality Management Department have already been achieved remarkable success in this sector.
Speakers emphasized on prospects and problem of tourism sector in their speech. They urged government to create a tourism law.
The speakers also termed tourism and hospitality management as thrust and rapidly growing sector in Bangladesh. A lot of skilled people are needed in this sector. But the number of skilled manpower is very limited due to necessarily. To fulfill this need, national and international organization has to come forward besides government initiatives.
The daylong program has concluded through a cultural arrangement by the students.
