DIU hosts Canadian Prestigious SBC Competition in Bangladesh


Campus Life :
There are very few people who firmly believe that Bangladesh has huge possibilities of development. On the contrary there are huge populations who think that nothing more will happen to this country. Many are immigrating to other countries like Canada, Australia or America. The person, who rides in the chariot of capitalism all the time in the constant pursuit of individualism and selfishness, seeks only ‘profit’ is another person living in the inner world of a person who has altruism, selflessness in his mind. If we look around, we find people devoting themselves for the betterment of others. This altruistic, desire for the welfare of others is the name of a business that captures the heart of the people which is called ‘Social Business’. We’re all likely aware of the highly publicized successes in the social enterprise movement. From this mission to change the world, some pioneers have tilled the ground for a new class of equally exciting conscious sectors that are making bold change in the name of good. The combination of business with social issues has gained momentum in the last decade, and we are witnessing more and more startups that are recognizing social problems and finding ways to tackle them. Although social entrepreneurship is mainly driven by societal needs, there are a number of success stories which prove that one can do specious and make money at the same time.
Social Business Creation Competition:
Each year HEC Montreal, which is one of the top ranked business school in the globe, is organizing Social Business Creation (SBC) Competition in Canada.
SBC is a global competition & training platform designed to change the mindset of students towards the norm that “profitability and positive social impacts should go hand-in-hand and thus social business is the way to do business” as well as to enable and teach students to become better entrepreneurs with a sense of higher purpose and use their knowledge for the sake of social contributions via their business activities.
The vision of Social Business Creation Competition is to create world-class young leaders in social entrepreneurial education. The goal of the Social Business Creation Competition is to educate entrepreneurs to be socially responsible.
Daffodil International University (DIU), Bangladesh has been collaborating in organizing the Social Business Creation Competition as the principal regional partner.
For the 3rd time in a row, DIU is hosting the 6th edition of the Social Business Creation Competition in Bangladesh. DIU also host the regional semifinals of the competition & invite business experts, investors, academicians & foreign dignitaries as the judge, guest& observer. Social Business Students’ Forum (SBSF) is working as the Youth Partner of this competition in Bangladesh.
Each participant will receive a certificate from HEC Montreal. After passing the necessary requirement contestants will have chance to receive 7 days long exclusive training at HEC Montreal in Canada. There will be constant collaboration through online training and experienced individuals will be constantly coaching and mentoring everyone. Competitors will receive a certificate based on each round. If the business idea is successful, you will get a variety of attractive benefits, including funds or investments.
