DIU hosts ‘AUPF Sub Forum’

Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Founder & Chairman of Daffodil International University, Prof. MAO Yinhui, Vice Dean of Faculty of European Languages and Cultures, GDUFS, China along with other distinguished guests at the Virtual 'Sub Forum' of Asian University Pre
Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Founder & Chairman of Daffodil International University, Prof. MAO Yinhui, Vice Dean of Faculty of European Languages and Cultures, GDUFS, China along with other distinguished guests at the Virtual 'Sub Forum' of Asian University Pre
Campus Life :
Daffodil International University (DIU) hosted ‘Sub Forum’ of Asian University Presidents Forum (AUPF) 2020 on November 30 with the theme ‘Universities of the future: A better world’. This year due to COVID-19 pandemic, the 19th AUPF-2020 is organized virtually by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), China with 100+ university top executives are joining this two days long program where DIU contributed as a Co-Host of the event.
The Sub Forum was also addressed by Prof. MAO Yinhui, Vice Dean of Faculty of European Languages and Cultures, GDUFS, China, Albert Wolfe, Associate Professor, GDUFS, China, Will Hickey, Professor of Management, GDUFS China, Prof. Dr. Inga Zaleniene, Rector, MykolasRomeris University, Lithuania, Prof. Dr hab. C. Eng. JanuszSzpytko, AGH University of Science and Technology, UNESCO AGH Chairholder, Krakow, Poland, Dr. Fred Parker, Professors, Coventry University, UK, Fredrik Marcowitz, Lecturer of English Language and Business, Coventry University, UK. Ms. Tahsina Yasmin, Associate Professor, DIU conduct the Keynote session as the host.  
Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor and Mr. Mohamed Emran Hossain, Director, Administration. DIU along with a few officials also represented the DIU delegation in this grand gathering of university leaders.
As the session chair and one of the Keynote Speakers of the Sub Forum, Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, presented a paper and mentioned that educational institutions all over the world has been bound to enter the new normal system as the next world will be the world of information and technology.
He also said that we want to establish an International Open University. Through this university, we can exchange knowledge, courses module, teachers and students, research and many other things among all over the world. It will benefit for global students.
Prof. MAO Yinhui said that education system needs to be internationalized. Our education system is still not student oriented. No doubt that education needs to be student oriented. And Covid-19 has shown that there is no alternative but to bring education in online. For this we have to make the internet easily available.
Prof. Dr. Inga Zaleniene said, the course curriculum should cover topics such as climate changes, economic and political changes, minority issues which is important to know for the future world.