DIU holds 2nd QAC meeting

Campus Report :
The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Daffodil International University (DIU) organized 2nd Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) meeting on Monday at Chairman’s Conference Room of the university.
Prof Dr Yousuf M Islam, Vice Chancellor and Unit Chief of IQAC of DIU presided over the meeting. Prof Dr SM Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof Dr Ahmad Ismail Mustafa, Dean, FAHS, Prof AMM Hamidur Rahman, Dean, FHSS, Prof Dr Engr AKM Fazlul Hoque, Registrar, Mominul Haque Majumder, Director (Finance and Accounts), Mohamed Emran Hossain, Director (Administration), Prof Dr AKM Fazlul Haque, Director (IQAC), ASM Humayun Morshed, Director, Daffodil Institute of Language and Dr Sk Abdul Kader Arafin, Additional Director, IQAC attended the 2nd QAC Meeting and exchanged their views and took part in discussion, based on the agenda of the meeting.
Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) of IQAC of DIU has been formed to look after the key issues of quality assurance and for institutional oversight of the IQAC and oversee the activities of IQAC and implementation of the quality assurance framework of the university. In order to look after the key issues of quality assurance, the QAC gives strategic direction to IQAC, DIU.
Director, IQAC presented a presentation on ‘Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), DIU: Present and Future’ where he shared various activities of IQAC, DIU and addresses the activities of SA departments focusing implementation of post self-assessment improvement plan; shares the summery recommendation of External Peer Reviewer Team. He also stresses on quality changes in SA departments under IQAC, DIU and shares his view that the IQAC facilitates changes in departmental activities. Director, IQAC also cited the example of earning accreditation like IEB Accreditation. He also proposes the modus operandi of IQAC, DIU (after completion of the project) and tells the future, potential activities of the cell.
After the presentation of Director, IQAC, DIU, the participants took part in the discussion. After a threadbare discussion many important issues were come out as the meeting also asks IQAC, DIU: to give a clear picture of the deliverable to be completed in next one year, to monitor the on-going development of 12 SA departments; to monitor how assessment of lesson plan can be matched with its objective and rationale; to replicate the IQAC activities into other 10 departments of the university.
The meeting also expects the ongoing activities of IQAC, DIU will be continued for ensuring the quality assurance domain at DIU.