DIU General Edn Development Dept wins best research award for 2020

Prof Dr SM Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Pro Vice Chancellor, Mominul Haque Majumder, Treasurer, Prof Dr Engineer AKM FazlulHaque, Registrar, Prof Dr Kabirul Islam, Director, Research Devision of Daffodil International University along with the winners of the
Prof Dr SM Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Pro Vice Chancellor, Mominul Haque Majumder, Treasurer, Prof Dr Engineer AKM FazlulHaque, Registrar, Prof Dr Kabirul Islam, Director, Research Devision of Daffodil International University along with the winners of the

Campus News :

Department of General Education Development of Daffodil International University achieved best Research Award for 2020. Daffodil International University organized ‘Research Award Giving Ceremony-2021’ on Monday at International Conference Hall of the university, Daffodil Smart City, Ashulia, Dhaka. Prof. Dr. Md. Sazzad Hossain, Member, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) was present at the program as the chief guest. The program also addressed by Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, DIU, Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor of DIU, Professor Dr. SM Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Pro Vice Chancellor of DIU and Prof. Dr. Kabirul Islam, Director, Research Devision of DIU. Mr. Mominul Haque Majumder, Treasurer, Professor Dr. Engineer AKM FazlulHaque, Registrar, all Deans of Faculties, Head of the Departments and Faculties were also present at the program.
This event was organized to acknowledge a total number of 346 Scopus indexed research papers which have been authored byDIU Faculty Members and students in 2020.Beside thisProfessor Dr. Touhid Bhuiyan, Head, Department of CSE, Dr. Imran Mahmud, Associate Professor & Head In-Charge of Department of Software Engineering (SWE), Dr. Kudrat-E-KhudaBabu, Associate Professor and Head, Deapertment of Law, Dr. Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Department of SWE, Sheikh Abujer, Department of CSE, Abu Kaiser Masum, Student of CSE were individually awarded as ‘Best Researcher’.
On the other hand the Department of General Education Development achieved 1st position in the number of publication while Department of SWE and Department of CSE has achieved 2nd and 3rd position.
While addressing as the chief guest Prof. Dr. Md. Sazzad Hossain said that the main characteristics of a complete university is be creating knowledge. Research is the key component of a university. In this this technological era, there is no alternative to become skilled in technology like AI and robotics. Daffodil University is the best technology based University of the Country.
Prof. Dr. Md. Sazzad Hossain also said that Bangladesh becoming digital. Daffodil has many contribution in this sector. In the meantime he thanked to Daffodil for emphasis on research.
He said, we have lot of problems in socio economic sectors. Researchers should emphasis on solve those problem. Chains, Russia, USA and most of the developed country has done their development through their researchers.
Dr. Md. Sabur Khan said that we have to focus on our students. We should involve our students into research more and more. Then we can be a sustainable country. In the meantime he gave example that many of Daffodil alumni are doing well in research sector both home and abroad. Dr. Md. Sabur Khan asked to the faculties to collect research fund. In this regard teachers should go on government and as well as private sectors.
